Friday, July 6, 2012

442 Days to Go - Um, I think I'll start a blog.

It has happened to all of us.  You spend countless empty hours scrolling through completely random pinterest pins.  And you click them, and you get sucked into these sites and blogs- Making crafts from only dollar store items, using your crockpot everyday for a year, Saving your money, intricately organizing each and every inch of your house with Ikea hacks. 
                          And I love them.  All of them. 
I love people's creativity, their ability to make something out of nothing.  But not only that- they actually do all of these productive things, take some sweet pics and write witty little stories about them and post them for me to enjoy from halfway across wherever! 

That's where this blog comes in.  I have been engaged to the love of my life for (almost) two years now.  We are planning to get married on our eight year anniversary - September 21, 2013.  And I cannot wait.  I really can't- the next 442 days seem like they may take an eternity.  But as young parents just out of college, we don't have unlimited funds to support the spectacular event I always have playing in my head. 
I have a taste that varies prettttty significantly from our budget. 

But that's okay.  Because I am a bargain hunter, DIY'er, and a pretty good internet scourer.  All of those talents combined (And some wonderfully gifted family and friends) should come together to help me have a wedding that looks like I spent way more than I have! 

Our first picture together in 2005!

Our most recent picture together in 2012!

I would love to hear about how you felt about starting to really plan your wedding!  Were you as overwhelmed as I am realizing it isn't all fun and centerpieces?!  Next time, I will try to start getting into some more detail about what we are planning!
So this is my adventure into the crazy life of a woman planning a wedding.  Wish me luck!